A few arty things around Chicago--
Lots of nice public art. My favorite was this huge Chagall mosaic. It's a large block, probably 10 ft. x 60 ft. and 20 ft. high--all covered in mosaic.
I think "The Bean" is a brilliant piece of public art. I love the way it reflects the city and the people around it.
And everyone interacts with it, either snapping their own photos to get those fun house mirror effects, as I did, or crawling under it. I don't know when I've seen people interact with a piece of art more than this one.
Several bits really caught my attention at the Contemporary Art Museum. This exhibit was so absolutely weird, but I found myself looking at it for a long time. Mike Kelley, the artist, gathered all these old handmade toys at thrift stores. He displays them in groups such as marine life, birds, dogs, as if they are scientific exhibits, with corresponding charts on the wall. It's this weird mix of science exhibit/church craft sale set up on card tables.
It was really touching, though, to see what sort of things people make, and what sort of things they throw out.
I also was inspired by this flower curtain and the simple idea of attaching bits of silk flowers together to form a type of lace:
nice post... I think if I saw the show with salvation army items I might have wondered... is this art or an exercise in salvaging? sorry, being a little cynical, but I identify too much, I guess, with the hands that made the dolls that he found, hung, and made 'art' in the process
I so agree with you Dee. I had very mixed feelings about this exhibit, but I found my overall reaction was huge appreciation for the handwork done. I wish I would have hung out to observe others' reactions. All those visitors who like to look at a piece of white string on the floor in a spotlight might have interpreted this exhibit very differently than I did.
The flower curtain idea is very novel. Thanks for sharing. I can see something like this in my future... Lenall
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