Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tag Tuesday--Lace

The challenge for Tag Tuesday this week is lace. I've never been a lacy kind of girl, so wanted to see what else I could do with it. I decided to follow the lace pattern and do some chunky embroidery on top of it.

That might have more potential for playing with smaller lace patterns.

I was looking over my list for my personal "Just 30" challenge, which I wrote about here and found that I worked on, if not completed, everything I had on the list for the month. 30 days is so much more manageable than a year! So I'm going to jot down a few more things I'd like to do in the next 30 days.

Carve more stamps for printing on fabric
Make more fiber components, both hand and machine
Try deconstructed screen printing
Do some layering of printing on fabric, with dyes or discharge

It's a shorter list because I'm starting Flora Bowley's online painting class, so I want to stay open to however much time that requires or inspires.

1 comment:

MulticoloredPieces said...

Hi, Robin. I just stumbled upon your very creative blog. Enjoyed your fabric projects and your students' tree projects. I especially liked your painting (b&w) on fabric, which I do from time to time as need arises. Always fun to run across a fellow Oregonian!
best from Tunisia,