I decided to take a week long break from creative projects as I return from vacation and get my boys settled into their fall schedules. It felt like a good time to do a little reorganizing and studio clean out.
One area that I hadn't tackled for over 5 years is my fabric stash mainly because I find it almost impossible to let go of any of it. You just never know what you might need in the future! But my cabinets were disorganized messes, I couldn't shut the doors, and I found I kept using the same fabrics from the top of the heap.

It took a while, but I finally started letting some pieces go. I really enjoyed revisiting long-forgotten fabric that was wadded up in the bottom of the stack. Basically I have two large cabinets with cubbies. I organize my fabric by color with separate bins for silks and velvets. Since I use bits and pieces more than lengths of fabric, I keep ziplock baggies in each cubbie for scraps in that color and a special tuna box full of ziplock bags of my precious torn pieces.
It's not going to appear in any fancy studio magazine, but it works for me.