Monday, November 28, 2011

Bright and Cheerful

I am happy to say that I'm finishing up details for our show this weekend and have allowed myself a couple days of relaxation before the big event. These things are always more work than I remember, but I'm happy for the intense creative state it throws me into, and even happier when it's all over!

Lots of bright colors lately.

Some fiber bundle jewelry:

And more prayer flags. I always love black and white with colors played off of them for sheer cheerfulness. Here's a nice shot on my paint-stained table.

And finally some fiber heart cards.

Hope to see you at Multnomah Arts Center in Portland this Fri. and Sat. Please say hi if you stop by!


  1. Your space will be beautiful as usual, Robin. Love your colorful fiber-y jewelry and the prayer flags, too. Nice that you have a couple of days to relax...I'm envious!

  2. I hope you've survived, thrived, and prospered! Wish I could be there. But I would be overwhelmed with choice at your table!

  3. Rats! here I am, visiting your blog only to find I have missed the opportunity to get to your show again this year. Double rats!!! I hope it was a huge success. I wanted to be able to tell my friends to go and now I can't even do that!

  4. Thanks Everyone! The show was a huge success and just seems to get more spectacular every year (sorry to rub it in Jan--maybe next year!) I'll try to post some pics once I get a little energy back.

  5. Love the prayer flags...and the "fabric bundles" I have been bundling for years...what fun.

  6. Just to say that I have passed on the Liebster blog award to you - details on the blog.
